What is a Tidal Bore?

Tidal BoreThe Bay of Fundy is home to the highest tides in the world, creating the Shubenacadie River’s Tidal Bore – a natural phenomenon seen in very few parts of the world. The tide enters at its widest point and the water literally ‘piles up’ as it flows up the bay. At the very head of the bay this advancing tide becomes a wave, varying from just a ripple to several feet in height. This wave – referred to as the Tidal Bore – continues into and up the Shubenacadie River. Thus, we have the phenomenon of a river changing its flow before your very eyes!

Ride the bore with us!

Ride the Bore!Ride one of the most powerful bodies of water in the world! We offer a unique rafting experience in our powered Zodiacs. We will meet and ride the bore – chasing, surfing and jumping this tidal surge! After the initial wave passes, sandbars (which are 20 – 100 acres) are engulfed by the tide water rushing inland creating tidal rapids, whirlpools, cross – currents and eddies which last for 3 hours. We make several passes through each set of rapids. Our trips are narrated by experienced guides explaining local history and geology. Our rafting trips last from 2 to 3 1/2 hours and are considered extremely safe due to lack of rocks in the river. Guests need no prior experience. No paddling required.