This is our tide schedule and our tour departure times! We ask that all of our customers plan to arrive on site no later than 1 hour before your tour’s scheduled departure time. The coloured blocks below indicate tide levels, grey boxes are regular tides, beige boxes are high tides and red are the extreme tides! These times are calculated using the tidal charts from the bay of Fundy, the times are based of the tides and therefore cannot be changed!

Regular Tide

Our regular tides are within the 21-23.5 ft range. These tides are great for first time rafters and rafting enthusiasts alike. Regular tides produce waves in similar sections of the river to High and Extreme.However, they can also lend in making wave sets in areas that aren’t as common.If you are ever uncertain, give us a call and we can help set you up with the best tour!

High Tide

Our High tides are within 23.6-24.5 ft range. These are common tides and provide great waves for first timers and experienced rafters alike. High tides are a favourite among all rafters! These larger tides make for a more drastic difference in water level upon your return!If you are ever uncertain, give us a call and we can help set you up with the best tour!

Extreme Tide

Extreme tides are within the 24..6-29 ft range. This is the largest range in our tides! Extreme tides are often sought after by repeat rafters and genuine thrill seekers! These tides can often form the largest waves! However, these tides are still great for first time rafters as well! If you are ever uncertain, give us a call and we can help set you up with the best tour!

Questions? Don’t hesitate to give us a call! 1-902-456-2673

bay of fundy tides
May tide schedule
June tide schedule
July tide schedule
August tide schedule
September tide schedule
bay of fundy tides